
The Walyoo aggregation is located near the township of Dandaragan in WA’s Northern Wheatbelt region, north of Perth. Along with acquiring Walyoo in 2014, adjacent properties, Yanda and Jacovich, were added to the aggregation in the same year, taking the total arable area to 5,574.

Significant soil amelioration has been undertaken across the aggregation to remove compaction, correct PH, and address non-wetting sands. Since acquisition, the entire aggregation has had an average of five tonnes to the hectare of lime spread and has been spaded and deep-ripped twice to correct PH, remove compaction, and reduce non-wetting sands.

This area has an average rainfall in excess of 600 mm and is well suited to the production of winter crops.

Property Info


Wheat, Barley, Canola & Lupins

Total arable area

5,574 Hectares

Total on farm storage

Grain: 1,000 tonnes

Average rainfall



March 2014 - Walyoo
March 2014 - Yanda
June 2014 - Jacovich


4 permanent team members supported by a seasonal workforce.


Manager: Mark Drake
Address: 8402 Brand Highway, Yathroo WA 6507
Mobile: 0448 804 048
Email: walyoo@lawsongrains.com

Property Overview

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