
The Uah aggregation is located in the Central NSW region, near Forbes. The aggregation was put together over three years, with the first properties purchased in 2014 and the last four properties purchased in 2016, resulting in a total arable area of 10,524 hectares.

The average annual rainfall is 500 mm and is evenly spread across the year. This complements the southern regions winter-dominant rainfall and the northern region’s summer-dominant rainfall patterns to provide diversity and risk management across the NSW portfolio.

Historically, the Uah aggregation was operated as a mixed livestock and cropping farm, but has now been converted by Lawson Grains to a controlled-traffic, no-till, cropping-only enterprise. Significant investment has been made to develop the aggregation, with extensive roadway and drainage networks constructed.

A large storage and handling facility has been constructed on the aggregation, with capacity to store 40,000 tonnes of grain, which is sufficient to store an entire season’s crop. Grain is then fed back into the supply chain throughout the year, optimising returns.

Property Info


Wheat, barley, chickpeas and canola

Total arable area

10,524 Hectares

Total on farm storage

Grain: 40,000 tonnes

Average rainfall



February 2014 - Uah Aggregation
March 2014 - Beacon Park
May 2014 - Powters
December 2015 - Cliftons
May 2016 - Hohnbergs


7 permanent team members supported by a seasonal workforce.


Manager: Cory Jones
Address: 770 Mc Phie’s Rd, Forbes, NSW 2871
Mobile: 0401 228 766

Property Overview

Barley Harvest 2014

Canola Harvest 2014

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